Updated Friday 4 October 2024

The Quiz League

The Stockport Quiz League started in 1984 and currently has nine teams.  Matches are played

on Thursday evenings.  The season begins with an AGM/Registration meeting in September and

typically finishes in early May.  There are three main competitions every season: the League

competition, the Cup and the Plate.


The knockout competitions (Cup and Plate) run on selected dates throughout the season and use

a slightly different format to league matches.  The Plate is a repêchage competition for first-round

losers in the Cup.  In both the Cup and Plate teams are handicapped according to their average

score in league matches.


Two additional competitions are held in conjunction with the Withington Quiz League: the WIST

Trophy is a friendly curtain-raiser to the new quiz season, played around late September between

representative teams from the two leagues.  The WIST Champions Cup is contested by teams

that finished in the top four of their respective league in the previous season.



A Christmas table quiz for all teams is held in December and at the end of the season there is a

table quiz followed by presentation of trophies.  Both these table quizzes are handicapped and

guest teams are welcome (but not eligible to win trophies).


Each team pays an annual subscription fee (£40 in 2024–25) to cover administrative costs.


A pre-season AGM and registration meeting takes place every September.


The League covers the whole of the Stockport area, with most teams playing near the town centre

whilst others are found slightly further afield, in places such as Heald Green and Heaton Moor.

The Quiz

Matches take place on Thursdays, starting at 8.45 pm and finishing by 10.30 pm.

Teams have a maximum of six players and the home team must also provide someone to ask the

questions (the ‘QM’).  Pubs should set aside a room or quieter area for the quiz.  After the quiz it’s

customary (but not compulsory) for the home team to provide food, usually sandwiches.  In the

league competitions each team plays every other team twice.  The questions for each week’s

matches are set by a team without a fixture on that date.


Each quiz has four rounds.  All questions are answered collectively as a team; there are no

individual questions.  Teams must answer within a thirty-second time limit.


Round 1 consists of thirty questions which are asked to either team alternately and answered

verbally.  Teams score two points for a correct answer to their own question.  If a team fails to

answer, the question is asked to the other team, who may score one point for a correct answer.

The questions are paired, so both teams should get a question of similar difficulty on the same



Round 2 consists of ten questions, for which both teams provide written answers.  If both teams

answer correctly they score one point each, if only one of the teams gets a question right they

score two points.  At the end of Round 2 there is a half-time ‘comfort break’ of around ten minutes.


Rounds 3 and 4 use the same format as Rounds 1 and 2.


Spare questions may be used to replace any questions that are illegible or obviously incorrect, if

agreed by both teams.



The knockout competitions follow a similar format to ‘normal’ league matches, with one significant

difference: the questions in Rounds 1 and 3 are not paired and teams pick questions at random.

Past questions can be found via the homepage and the complete rules for the league are here.


If you would like to join the league please get in touch with any member of the committee.



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